The Pebble
19, Petherick Road, Bude, Cornwall. EX23 8SN

Upon making a booking, you agree to abide by the terms and conditions outlined below.

Please read carefully.

  • Lettings commence at 5.00pm on the day of arrival and end at 10:00am on the day of departure, unless other arrangements have been agreed in advance.
  • It is strongly recommended that you have adequate cancellation insurance.
  • Smoking is not permitted within the property.
  • No pets are permitted within the property.
  • Electric Vehicle (EV) charging is not permitted at the property and is not included in the price.
  • The number of people occupying the property must not exceed those booked.
  • Overnight visitors to the property, not included within the booking, are not permitted under any circumstances.
  • The person booking the property will be responsible for the obligations and conditions of the booking.
  • Persons must take responsibility for their own, and that of accompanying minors, health and safety.
  • No responsibility can be accepted for personal possessions in the property, or for cars parked outside the property.
  • Persons booking will not pass his/her booking to another party.
  • An inventory accompanies the property and all items listed remain the property of the Proprietor.
  • We cannot be liable for compensation due to loss of enjoyment in the event of the property becoming uninhabitable due to the following circumstances:
    • Fire, flood, electricity or gas or water supply interruption, boiler or gas supply failure, or acts of God.
  • In the event of cancellation, if payment has been made in full, we are able to offer a 50% refund if cancelled 10+ weeks in advance of booking commencement. We will not refund deposit payments made to secure the booking.
  • The proprietor accepts no liability for any accident, injury, loss or damage sustained by any resident, family, visitors, animals, vehicles or personal effects howsoever caused.
  • The proprietor reserves the right to decline accommodation and to order any unauthorised person off the premises.
  • The proprietor reserves the right to enter the premises at any time but will always endeavour to do so when convenient to guests.
  • All statements are made and information is given in good faith being true and correct to the best of our knowledge and belief but the proprietor accepts no liability in the event of any such statement or information being untrue or incorrect.